Raspberry Leaf Tea


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100% Pure Organic Raspberry Leaf

Raspberry Leaf is a fantastic herb for its nutrition and digestion aid. It offers both a nutrition boost and digestion support. It is great for the lower abdomen and aids the small and large intestines. It is known for its use by women, to aid childbirth and even post-labor.

Uses: Nutrition, Digestion, Weight Loss, Infertility, Hormone Balancer, Iron Boost, Blood Cleansing, Breast Milk Production, Prepares Body for Pregnancy, Reduces Postpartum Exhaustion. 

Preparations: Teas & Infusions, Baths, Extracts.

Making Tea: Pour a cup of hot water for every 1-2 teaspoons of herb and leave it covered for 10-15 minutes. Strain and drink up to three times a day. May also simmer it on low heat for a stronger medicinal tea.




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