How to Cleanse with a Smoke Wand

Upon burning, Smoke Wands have the natural ability to release and neutralize negative ions in the atmosphere. This means that self-energy and energy around will feel lighter and brighter, and will also give a sense of spaciousness.

The igniting of herbs is not just a spiritual or ceremonial practice, it is a practice of releasing many herbal and medicinal benefits. Certain smoke, when burnt in an enclosed space, can clear sinuses, relieve asthma and headaches as well as general congestion. Medicinal smoke from herbs such as sage is a powerful antiseptic that can purify the air of 94% of harmful bacteria for up to 24 hours.

How do I use a Smoke Wand to cleanse my space?

  • Find a fireproof container handy to place underneath your smoke wand to catch falling ashes. Incense stick holders are usually good.
  • Light your smoke wand
  • Start cleansing room by room walking in a clockwise direction, making downward to upward motions, raising energy higher
  • You can start at the front door and make your way into each room, opening doors and windows as you go
  • Cleanse all corners of each room
  • Focus your intention on clearing any stagnant and unwanted energy
  • Once complete, you may spray the rooms with a cleansing aura mist
  • Put out your Smoke Wand in some sand or something that won’t burn once you’re done

Get your hands on a smoke wand and try this out for yourself!

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